What are the symptoms of Omicron?

Life in India has returned to near routine in the wake of low case counts and a steady vaccine drive. The country has been recording fewer than 10,000 new cases daily and has vaccinated nearly 80% of the 940 million eligible adults with at least one dose so far.

But another form of the deadly coronavirus recently found in parts of South Africa has driven the world crazy again. As cities and states reintroduce stricter guidelines, masks and sanitation are reintroduced, halting citizens’ daily routines. Its new type is called Omicron, and has been described by the World Health Organization as a “type of concern.” Since the first case was reported on November 24, more research is being done to understand the virus and find a solution to it, as the virus is said to have undergone massive mutations, and the whole country is alarmed by this new strain. With increasing cases in South Africa, the infection has yet to be confirmed, whether it has spread easily or there are cases due to the already prevalent virus categories. Studies are being done to get good data on transferable details from different sources.

Is the new type a cause for serious concern?

The new type is said to be largely mutated; More than 30 mutations on spike proteins. According to researchers, this level of mutation is most likely to come from immunocompromised individuals. The biggest concern for researchers is that the virus is now completely different from the original virus that originated in Wuhan, China. It remains to be seen whether this type of vaccine or natural immunity can be avoided or whether it is highly contagious. Multiple mutations do not mean that the virus will be fatal or more dangerous. Nevertheless, each type will have the potential to affect the epidemic.

Omicron Symptoms: What to See?

Although studies and extensive research are still ongoing to find out if the symptoms associated with Omicron are any different from the previous types and if so, what the new symptoms are. While it may take some time to understand this and how severe it is, prevention is our only major solution. The most common indicators are fever, cough, fatigue, and body aches, while some include shortness of breath, chest pain, loss of appetite, headache, sore throat, etc. Some experts have suggested that Omicron, like the Delta type, does not cause cold-like symptoms. Although the cases are mild and no deaths have been reported, it is not yet clear whether Omicron will be as severe in comparison.

Prevention and treatment

As more and more information emerges from the various ongoing researches, people are reminded of the old ways of wearing masks in public or crowded places, washing hands regularly, maintaining a safe distance, and keeping social distance wherever possible. Ventilation in homes or any other indoor space and most importantly vaccination.

Countries and states are once again reeling from the discovery of the virus, fearing a similar situation where hospital beds will be in short supply, emergency oxygen plants will have to be set up and vaccines will be supplied. Strong collision at the top. The government has already started preparations to prevent it. Surveillance, tracking of cases and contacts, sharing of data with relevant authorities to assist in their research for better medical treatment, etc. are some of the recommended actions that should be taken by the responsible countries. As a precautionary measure, the UN body has asked the Asia-Pacific nations to focus on counteracting the virus and increasing the number of vaccinations. Preliminary studies in South Africa, the country in which they merged, suggest that omicron maybe 3 times more likely to relapse than delta or beta variants and may even lose a layer of protection, the researchers said, adding that earlier covid infection could lower immunity.

New Omicron type.

As we fight this new type, the first thing to do is to stay calm, get yourself vaccinated, and cooperate with the authorities to get both doses of the vaccine, because mutations can reduce effectiveness, but these jobs are sure to save us from severity of the virus. The WHO says omicron can displace delta types, and as studies develop, prevention and precaution are better than cure at the moment. Be safe and secure.