Mammogram – What Is It, How It’s Done, Purpose, Result

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A mammogram is a type of low-dose X-ray specifically used to examine the breast. It’s a crucial tool in breast cancer detection and screening. 

Here’s an overview:

What is it?

A mammogram is a specialized type of X-ray used to examine breast tissue. It’s a crucial tool in breast cancer detection and screening. 

During a mammogram, the breast is compressed between two plates while X-ray images are taken from various angles to create detailed pictures of the breast tissue. Diagnostic centre near me

These images help detect abnormalities such as tumors, cysts, or other changes that may indicate the presence of breast cancer. 

Mammograms are used for both routine screening in asymptomatic individuals and as a diagnostic tool when there are specific concerns or symptoms related to the breast. Diagnostic centre near me

How it's done:

During a mammogram:

  1. Preparation:You’ll undress from the waist up and wear a gown. It’s advised to avoid using deodorants, lotions, or powders on your chest area as they can interfere with the imaging.
  2. Positioning: You stand in front of a specialized X-ray machine designed for mammograms. One breast is placed on a flat platform, and a technician positions the breast carefully between two plates. Diagnostic centre near me
  3. Compression: The technician gradually compresses the breast with a clear plastic paddle. This compression might feel uncomfortable or momentarily painful, but it’s necessary to spread out the breast tissue for clearer imaging. The compression lasts only for a few seconds and is released afterward.
  4. Imaging: The X-ray machine takes images of the breast tissue from different angles. Typically, two views are taken for each breast, capturing images of the top-to-bottom and side-to-side breast tissue. The process is repetitive for the other breast. Diagnostic centre near me
  5. Duration: The entire procedure usually takes around 20 minutes.

Once the images are taken, a radiologist interprets them to look for any abnormalities or areas of concern. The outcomes are then shared with your healthcare provider.

If there are any areas of concern in the images, further tests or evaluations, such as additional imaging (like ultrasound or MRI) or a biopsy, may be recommended for a more detailed analysis or to confirm the findings.


  1. Early Detection: Mammograms are highly effective at detecting breast cancer in its early stages, often before symptoms are noticeable. Early detection significantly increases the chances of successful treatment and a better prognosis. Diagnostic centre near me
  2. Screening for Breast Cancer: Routine mammograms are recommended as a screening tool for breast cancer, especially for women over a certain age or those with specific risk factors. Screening helps identify potential issues even before symptoms appear.
  3. Risk Assessment: For individuals with a family history of breast cancer or certain risk factors (like genetic predisposition), regular mammograms can help in monitoring and early detection, even at a younger age.
  4. Diagnostic Purposes: When someone experiences symptoms such as a lump, changes in breast size or shape, nipple discharge, or other concerning changes in the breast, a mammogram is used diagnostically to investigate these abnormalities further. Diagnostic centre near me
  5. Monitoring Treatment: Mammograms are used to monitor the effectiveness of breast cancer treatment. They help doctors track changes in the breast tissue following surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or other treatments.


After the mammogram, a radiologist examines the images for any abnormalities. 

The results are reported as:

  • Negative: No signs of cancer or abnormalities detected.
  • Positive: Abnormalities or areas of concern that require further evaluation. Diagnostic centre near me
  • False Positive/Negative: Sometimes, results might suggest a problem when none exists (false positive) or miss something that is present (false negative).

Positive results might prompt additional tests like ultrasound, MRI, or biopsy for further evaluation and to confirm the findings. Diagnostic centre near me

Regular mammograms are recommended for women starting around the age of 40, but screening guidelines vary based on individual risk factors and medical history.

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