A Short Guide to The Liver Function Test (LFT)

Liver function test cost

A specific test is performed at pathology centers to determine the health and overall condition of a person’s liver. This is called a liver function test (LFT). Also called liver chemistry, this process checks the levels of liver enzymes, proteins, and bilirubin in the blood. 

Doctors will also have to rely on this test to monitor the progress of treatment of existing diseases. Depending on the liver chemistry, high or low levels of one or more of these enzymes or proteins may indicate liver problems. Liver function test cost

When to take the test

Doctors may recommend this test in the following situations.

  1. Medical experts want to fix the level of damage caused by liver infections such as hepatitis C and hepatitis B. Liver function test cost
  2. Doctors will want to check the side effects of certain drugs that affect the liver. Including,
    – Statins
    – NSAIDs
    – Tuberculosis drugs
    – Disinfectants
    – Antibiotics
  1. If you already have liver disease, this test will be mandatory. This will allow you, as well as your doctor, to monitor how well the disease and treatment methods are working.
  2. If you currently have liver problems or if someone in your family has liver disease. Liver function test cost
  3. If you have a specific medical condition, such as,
    – High triglycerides
    – High blood pressure
    – Diabetes
    – Weakness
  1. If you drink frequently. Liver function test cost
  2. If you have gallbladder disease.

The cost of a liver function test will depend on what type of test you want to take. All tests measure specific proteins and enzymes in your blood. Liver function test cost

If the results are unusual, you may need a follow-up test to find out the cause of the features. Even if your results show a mild level of elevation, you probably have liver disease.

  1. ALT: ALT is Alanine transaminase, and is a substance used by the body to metabolize proteins. Liver damage or improper function can force ALT into the bloodstream. As a result, your ALT level will increase. If the value of ALT is higher than normal, it is a sign that you need immediate treatment.
  2. AST: There is another enzyme found in many parts of your body – AST or Aspartate aminotransferase. It is found in your brain, heart, liver, pancreas, and muscles. If your liver is deteriorating, AST will reach your bloodstream. Usually, doctors recommend measuring ALT and AST together to control liver disorders. For example, if AST-ALT levels are high, it can lead to alcoholic liver disease. Liver function test cost
  3. ALP: Alkaline phosphate or ALP is another enzyme found in the bile ducts, bones, and of course the liver. Doctors combine ALP tests with others to evaluate the bile duct system.
  4. Albumin testing: Albumin is the primary protein produced by the liver and has many important physiological functions. It nourishes the tissues and helps vitamins, hormones and other substances circulate throughout the body. Through this test, doctors try to determine the liver’s ability to make this protein. Liver function test cost

5. Bilirubin test: Bilirubin is a waste product that the body produces when it interrupts red blood cells. The liver processes it the utmost of the time. Before it is excreted from your stool, bilirubin passes through the liver. However, if it goes bad, it will not be able to process this waste product properly. Liver function test cost

Depending on your condition and symptoms, your doctor may suggest that you have a liver test. We should not ignore it because the liver is one of the most important internal organs. Getting tested and getting the right treatment should be your priority. Get your LFT done at Pathology lab in Pune.